Saturday, June 21, 2008

Unlucky Day

bad.. bad.. bad day..
why 2day so soi de...?
so soi become cashier...
becoz of that stupid chair....
becoz of that stupid safebox...
i knw la im short...
need da chair to open the safebox...
that chair duno how many years ago...
so buruk liao...
so im the unlucky one to step on it...
then the chair over turn...
walau eh...
never in my life that i fell like that...
i tot i will....
haha... choi choi choi....
my toes so pain...
walk oso susah...
but have to act like nothing...
luckily nobody saw i fall inside...
haha... oni cctv knws... shhh.... ^-^

then i when for my break...
goin upstairs to take my stuff...
my leg very pain with my shoes on...
stepping fews step down fall again...
luckily nobody realise that...
if not... duno wer to keep my face...
wuuu.... :-(
now my toe bengkak liao..
then my left hip 'black green' d...
a very big 1...
so cham...

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