Sunday, November 9, 2008


thanks for my all dear friends....
who do always support me for all this time....
im sorry if duno how to appreaciate u guys....
just read my friend's blog...
she always keep on eyes with my updated blog....

she already keep updating my blog last half year ago...
till now... she still my blog's fan.... haha... ^-^
she knws all my feelings....
what i have gone trough all this time...
all sweet & sour times...
she is such a caring & understanding friend...
that's hard to find...
she will leave down advices in my blog whenever i need it...
ask me never give up...
and even she did even mentioned about my post in her blog...
to share with others...
i have go through her post...
it's touch my heart....
silent tears in my heart...
thanks YanTing...
and so do JuiLin....
and also for those who leave me comments and advices in my blog...
thanks again...

i will keep continue updating my blog...
share my story of life (sweet & sour , hard & easy , smooth & complicated)
as a life history of mine...
something belong to me...
a meaningful and memorable one...

1 comment:

orangy said...

wow~~i saw my name...
thanks celine~~^^
i'm happy that u had let go that...^^